contact us

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Seguin, Texas 78155

(830) 556-9972


Q: When do we pick up our rabbits?

         A: due to the age of rabbits  Pickup dates are normally the weekend before your validation.

Q: When will we be contacted about rabbit pick up?

         A: You will be contacted via email, the weekend before you pick up  your rabbits.

Q: What happens if I cannot pick up my rabbits at that time.

        A: Please try and find someone to help you with your rabbit pick up.  If you cannot find anyone to help, please send a TEXT message to (830) 556-9972 with your name, exhibitors name, and show county. Please include a message stating the reason for your text and we will text back ASAP.

Q: Do you guarantee rabbits once a request is placed?

A: Unfortunately, due to the fact these are live animals and mother nature is unpredictable we cannot guarantee your order will be filled. We recommend that you have a backup plan in place. Talk to your local Extension Agent or Ag Teacher for more support on finding other breeders.